Program Note: This work celebrates the life of Jennifer Bates, a professional architect, project manager and dedicated environmentalist whose life was tragically cut short by a rogue motorist. Jen and her husband travelled widely, working for a year in Bhutan as international volunteers for the Australian government. There Jen became inspired by Buddhist symbolism and especially the "endless knot" - the emblem of this score - signifying the interconnectedness of all things.
This composition evinces the positivity and commitment to community contribution that Jen displayed throughout her life. At its heart is a reflective elegy, followed by a celebratory dance inspired by Jen's much-loved salsa. Endless was commissioned by her mother, Kathryn Bennett, as a living legacy for a precious life that ended too soon. Nov 2021 Endless was first performed by Karin Schaupp and the Flinders Quartet on 18 February 2023 at City Recital Hall Angel Place in Sydney, starting a national concert tour presented by Musica Viva Australia. It was commissioned for Musica Viva by Kathryn Bennett. |